What is a Method Statement?

What is a Method Statement? From trips, slips and falls to exposure to bodily fluids and chemicals, risk is inherent in the role of a professional cleaner. While it is not possible to entirely remove that element of risk, it is possible to mitigate it through proper health and safety procedures. When it comes to […]
CLP: Everything Cleaners Need to Know

What Cleaning Staff Should Know About CLP Brought into existence by the European Union (EU) in 2008, the bloc’s Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation is aimed at protecting the health of all who are exposed to certain chemical products and at safeguarding the wider environment from any damage caused by exposure to these chemicals. […]
Understanding a Safety Data Sheet: A Guide

Information is power and – when it comes to mitigating the risk of exposure to potentially toxic substances – power is protection. A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) plays a key part in ensuring that those handling and using hazardous materials have all the information they need to protect themselves and those around them. With this […]