Cleaning a Train Station: Three Things to Consider

In near constant use, train stations can pose a considerable challenge for hygiene professionals. While the task of cleaning a train station is indeed formidable, it is certainly not impossible. By aiming their focus at certain key areas, cleaners can efficiently and effectively manage any hygiene challenges and safeguard standards within a station. Stick to […]
The Benefits and Tips Behind Keeping Schools Clean

When it comes to educational success, a clean school makes for a solid foundation. Good hygiene routines ensure healthy, happy pupils and create a positive atmosphere. Experienced and qualified hygiene staff are integral in setting just the right tone and so, when it comes to schools, a good clean makes for the best start. Clean […]
Cross-Contamination in the Office: A Risky Business

There is always a risk of cross-contamination in a shared space and an office is no exception. With multiple high-traffic areas and lots of frequently touched surfaces, a methodical, solid strategy is needed to curb the potential spread of germs in an office setting. While cleaning professionals have an important part in maintaining hygiene standards […]
Pigeon Droppings: The Risks for Cleaning Professionals

Pigeon Droppings: The Risks for Cleaning Professionals Though unsightly in and of themselves, pigeon droppings can also pose a potential health hazard to those who attempt to clean them. Psittacosis – a flu-like disease – and salmonella are commonly found in pigeon droppings or guano. In order to mitigate their exposure to these illnesses and […]
How to Keep Your Commercial Kitchen Hygienic When Preparing Food

How to Keep Your Commercial Kitchen Hygienic When Preparing Food A recent study reveals 85% of customers consider cleanliness equal to food quality. And the FSA’s November report for 2019 indicated 31% of consumers consider the hygiene rating of a restaurant when deciding where to eat. Being clean and hygienic is good for business. To […]
Avoiding Cross-Contamination: Everything You Need to Know

Avoiding Cross-Contamination Preventing the risk of cross-contamination is the ultimate goal of any solid cleaning routine. When harmful pathogens spread unchecked from surface to surface, it compromises the health and wellbeing of all who use a particular space or facility. There are, however, strategies that should be utilised in order to prevent the hazard of […]